Science Week
Every class from EYFS to Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their science days this week. As well as trips to Great Wood Farm and Woolsthorpe Manor in Pandas and Koalas, every class has been ‘egg-sploring’ different variables to protect an egg from breaking. They were ‘egg-cited’ to watch their teacher climb up and drop their eggs from a height to see if they cracked. This investigation was linked to the book ‘Egg Drop’ by Mini Grey.
During Science Week, as well as carrying out their current science topic, children have also been learning about the importance of science and that science knowledge is used in almost every job. They also realised that not all scientists wear a white coat and invent potions! Some of the jobs they explored were: doctors, builders, palaeontologists, architects, hairdressers, zoologists, botanists, dentists, meteorologists, pilots and engineers.