Home Learning
Reading books
Please continue reading regularly with your child at home and encourage them to use those vital sounding and blending skills.
I have now set up a class login for Oxford Owl, this will enable parents to access e-books for children to read at home that are similar to the ‘We can read’ books (and levels) that they normally bring home from school.
Please follow the link and login on ‘Oxford Owls for School’ as a student. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Username: pandaclass123
Password: Pandas1234
When you have logged in, you can follow the icon for 'Oxford Owl E-book Library'. When you have clicked on the icon, on the right there will be a bar that says 'Levels'. Scroll down to Level 1+ Pink or Level 2 Red and let your child choose a book they would like to read.
Another website where free books are available is ‘Epic’.
You can listen to Audio Books, read books etc.
If your child can read their school reading books fluently you may wish to put your child's reading record with the reading books inside (in the red box labelled Pandas in Reception) during your daily exercise on a Friday between 9.30am-2.30pm and pick them up their new books on the following Tuesday between 9.30am-2.30pm.
500 Mile Challenge!
Inspire + Daily Distractions

EYFS Physical Activity ideas grid
Extra Home Learning Ideas
Home learning for Friday 5th March
Hello Pandas
Thank-you so much for all the amazing work you have done with your child over the past eight weeks. All you hard work has been much appreciated and you have done a fantastic job. We cannot wait to see all the Pandas back in school on Monday. Please can they bring in their Morning book and reading books. From next week our new PE day is going to be a Wednesday.
There will only be one Google Meet today at 10.05am as Miss Lugar and I are on a First Aid course but please don’t forget to join Shine assembly which is at the later time of 2.50pm. Miss Critchley is putting a recording of a story on Google Classrooms which you may like to watch instead of our afternoon story time meet.
Here are the home learning activities for today!
Phonics and Play dough disco
Remember you can join in with a different play dough disco song each day. See links on the website.
Please sing the alphabet song pointing at your child’s handwriting sheet. Then point and ask the children what two or three letter names a day are.
Our Letters and Sounds lesson today is Spring Term Lesson 29 Reception – YouTube. Review the week. Please watch: Lesson 29 - Read words with double letters - YouTube
Here is the link for phonics play if you wish to play a game today: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Morning books
Please use your child’s morning book to practice writing their name. If they are confident with this you could possibly see if they can write their name independently or begin to practice writing their surname. You can also use your morning books to write the sounds that we have learnt in Phonics. Can your child write a word, simple sentence or caption themselves using the sounds and tricky words they have already learnt?
Please start by counting to 20 and back again today. You may wish to join in with counting songs like count to 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVzXKfr6e8 or
Count back from 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hD26XpuUCc or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShqXL-zfLxY
Can the children order the numberblocks or lego blocks to 14? Which is taller? Shorter? Why?
Do I know how to share objects into equal groups? Please watch the Oak Academy Grouping and Sharing Lesson 7. Exploring sharing objects into equal groups (thenational.academy)
Topic – Space Music session 1
In this lesson we will use our imaginations to visit space, listening to and exploring different sounds. We will experiment with music and movement and practise singing different rhythmic patterns.
English - Do I know what my favourite part of my Space story is, and can I explain why?
For today I would like you to draw your favourite part of your own Space adventure. Think about why it is your favourite part. What happened to make it exciting?
When you have completed your drawing can you label it by writing a short caption about that part of the story? If you can’t write a caption, can you tell a family member why that was your favourite part?
Or children write a letter/postcard home from a space adventure! What did they see? What did they do? What happened to them?
PE – Rocket Yoga
Have a lovely and well-deserved weekend!
Mrs Moxham
Home Learning for World Book Day - Thursday 4th March
Today is ‘World Book Day!’ so we are not sticking to our normal timetable but instead all our activities are going to be based on the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit'.
At our morning meet this morning please feel free to bring one of your favourite books and share what it is called and why you like it so much!
EYFS and KS1 have a live book reading with Mrs Jones (one of our school governors) at 1.15pm. A ink will be put on the Google Classroom page.
There will be a World Book Day Assembly and all children at home or in school are invited to join at 1.30pm. The link will be put on the Google Classroom page.
Please start the day by following the link to listen to the story
The Day the crayons quit - Books Alive! Read Aloud book for children - YouTube
Please see the attached pdf for more details of the home learning for today.
Home Learning for Thursday 4th March
Home learning for Wednesday 3rd March
Hello Pandas
Here are the home learning activities for today.
Phonics and Play dough disco
Please continue to listen to your child read so their skills are able to progress. Remember you can drop your reading book off at school on a Friday if your child is fluent with the book they have and pick up a new one on the following Tuesday.
Remember you can join in with a different play dough disco song each day. See links on the website.
Please sing the alphabet song pointing at your child’s handwriting sheet. Then point and ask the children what two or three letter names a day are.
Our Letters and Sounds lesson today is Spring Term Lesson 28 Reception – YouTube. Review the week. Please watch: Lesson 28 - Read words with double letters - YouTube
Here is the link for phonics play if you wish to play a game today: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Morning books
Please use your child’s morning book to practice writing their name. If they are confident with this you could possibly see if they can write their name independently or begin to practice writing their surname. You can also use your morning books to write the sounds that we have learnt in Phonics. Can your child write a word, simple sentence or caption themselves using the sounds and tricky words they have already learnt?
Please start by counting to 20 and back again today. You may wish to join in with counting songs like count to 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVzXKfr6e8 or
Count back from 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hD26XpuUCc or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShqXL-zfLxY
Do I know how to share objects into two equal groups?
Please watch the Oak Academy Grouping and Sharing Lesson 6.
Exploring sharing objects into two equal groups (thenational.academy)
Topic – Space
Do I know how to build a rocket or a spaceship?
In today's lesson, we are going to learn the difference between a rocket and a spaceship. We will then use construction materials to construct either a rocket or a spaceship. The key areas that this lesson links to are expressive arts and design and communication and language. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/build-a-spaceshiprocket-ctjk2e
I hope you enjoy your home learning today and look forward to seeing what you have done on Tapestry later.
English – Do I know how to create a story map?
Today we are going to read ‘ ‘The way back home’ by Oliver Jeffers. If you don’t have the book you may wish to watch it on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgGVJmPLNS4
For today’s activity I would like you to think of and map out your own Space story (you can use your ideas from your role play on Monday or any ideas from any of the Space stories you have read). Use a plain piece of paper and create a story map. Discuss the key parts of the story. What is going to happen at the beginning, middle, end of the story? What are the main parts? You can’t get it wrong. Just use your imagination and have fun.
Mrs Moxham
Home learning for Tuesday 2nd March
Hello Pandas
Here are the home learning activities for today.
Phonics and Play dough disco
Please continue to listen to your child read so their skills are able to progress. Remember you can drop your reading book off at school on a Friday if your child is fluent with the book they have and pick up a new one on the following Tuesday.
Remember you can join in with a different play dough disco song each day. See links on the website.
Please sing the alphabet song pointing at your child’s handwriting sheet. Then point and ask the children what two or three letter names a day are.
Our Letters and Sounds lesson today is Spring Term Lesson 27 Reception – YouTube. Review the week. Please watch: Lesson 27 - er hammer - YouTube
Here is the link for phonics play if you wish to play a game today: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Morning books
Please use your child’s morning book to practice writing their name. If they are confident with this you could possibly see if they can write their name independently or begin to practice writing their surname. You can also use your morning books to write the sounds that we have learnt in Phonics. Can your child write a word, simple sentence or caption themselves using the sounds and tricky words they have already learnt?
Please start by counting to 20 and back again today. You may wish to join in with counting songs like count to 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVzXKfr6e8 or
Count back from 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hD26XpuUCc or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShqXL-zfLxY
Counting in 5s song. Your child may like to listen to this song before the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EemjeA2Djjw
Do I know how to count in groups of five, in order to find the total?
Please watch the Oak Academy Grouping and Sharing Lesson 5.
Exploring counting in groups of five (thenational.academy)
English – Do I know how to create and describe my own alien character?
Today we are going to read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort before watching the Oak Academy lesson. If you don’t have the book you may wish to watch it on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADnAGBWlzqE
As an extension to the Oak Academy lesson below. We are going to ask the children to imagine they made friends with an alien on their travels to space yesterday. We are going to ask the children to describe their alien to a friend/family member. What colour hair or skin or underpants does it have? What special powers or talents does it have – perhaps it can fly, perhaps it can walk upside down? What does it like to eat? Help them to be as creative as possible. They may wish to draw/paint their alien (or use the paintings they have already created in the Space lesson) and label their picture with describing words or just tell someone about their alien. Encourage the children to start their sentence with ‘My alien is…’
Topic – Space
Before we watch the lesson today we will recap on what the children learnt yesterday.
Can the children remember the names of the planets in the solar system?
In today's lesson, we are going to create aliens from our handprints! We will think about the colour of our aliens, how many eyes they will have and what their arms and legs will look like. The three key areas that this lesson links to are communication and language, expressive arts and design, and maths. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/alien-handprints-61jkec?activity=video&step=1
I hope you enjoy your home learning today and look forward to seeing what you have done on Tapestry later.
Mrs Moxham
Home learning for Monday 1st March
Hello Pandas
Here are the home learning activities for today.
Phonics and Play dough disco
Please continue to listen to your child read so their skills are able to progress. Remember you can drop your reading book off at school on a Friday if your child is fluent with the book they have and pick up a new one on the following Tuesday.
Remember you can join in with a different play dough disco song each day. See links on the website.
Please sing the alphabet song pointing at your child’s handwriting sheet. Then point and ask the children what two or three letter names a day are.
Our Letters and Sounds lesson today is Spring Term Lesson 26 Reception ‘Air as in fair’ – YouTube. Please watch: Lesson 26 - air fair - YouTube
Here is the link for phonics play if you wish to play a game today: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Morning books
Please use your child’s morning book to practice writing their name. If they are confident with this you could possibly see if they can write their name independently or begin to practice writing their surname. You can also use your morning books to write the sounds that we have learnt in Phonics. Can your child write a word, simple sentence or caption themselves using the sounds and tricky words they have already learnt?
Mathematics – Do I know how to count to 14? Do I know how to count out 14 objects carefully? Do I know what the number 14 looks like? Do I know how to write a number 14? Do I know that 14 is one more than 13 and one less than 15?
Please start by counting to 20 and back again today. You may wish to join in with counting songs like count to 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVzXKfr6e8 or
Count back from 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hD26XpuUCc or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShqXL-zfLxY Can your child order the numbers to 20 and count to 20 and back independently?
Explain that we are going to have a new number of the week this week. Does anyone know what it might be?
Show them the number fourteen and demonstrate writing on the board. Can the children write the number 14? Can they find fourteen things?
Watch number blocks ‘fourteen’.
Numberblocks 14 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m00029tp/numberblocks-series-3-fourteen
What did the children notice? Did they spot the doubles? Do they know what it means to double a number? (Add a number to itself). Can they use cubes/lego or objects of the same size to double 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 etc? What do they notice?
What shapes can you make with 14 cubes?
Do I know pairs of numbers that make 14? How many different ways can your child find to make 14? Did they remember that 7 + 7 makes 14? You can use a part/whole model to split 14 objects.
Can I use the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare 2 sets of objects?
Topic – Space
After learning about ‘Our Wonderful World’ last week we are travelling further this week to learn about our Solar System.
Do I know some features of our Solar System?
In this set of lessons we blast off into outer space. In this lesson with Miss Hughes, we learn some features of the solar system and have an introduction to the planets. Consolidate your new knowledge by drawing a picture of the planets. Can you think of a rhyme to remember the order of them? https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-understand-some-features-of-our-solar-system-cruk0c
English - Do I know how to use language to imagine roles and experiences in play situation? Do I know how to introduce a storyline or narrative into my play?
This week we are going to link our English work to our topic on Space. Our end of the day story today at 3.10pm will be a story set in space if you would like to join us!
After completing the Space topic lesson, we are going to give the children chairs, large boxes, picnic blankets etc and ask the children to imagine they are going on a journey to space. We are going to ask the children if they can create their own vehicle to travel to space. Then decide what they would need (or like) to take with them. Then ask them to role play with their friends a journey to space. What will they see? What will they do? What might happen? Will they meet any friendly green space characters? Will they run out of fuel etc?
I hope you enjoy your home learning today and look forward to seeing what you have done on Tapestry later.
Mrs Moxham
Home learning for Friday 26th February
Hello Pandas
Here are the home learning activities for today.
Phonics and Play dough disco
Please continue to listen to your child read so their skills are able to progress. Remember you can drop your reading book off at school on a Friday if your child is fluent with the book they have and pick up a new one on the following Tuesday.
Remember you can join in with a different play dough disco song each day. See links on the website.
Please sing the alphabet song pointing at your child’s handwriting sheet. Then point and ask the children what two or three letter names a day are.
Our Letters and Sounds lesson today is Spring Term Lesson 25 Reception – YouTube. Review the week. Please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzXtg9R6NtE
Here is the link for phonics play if you wish to play a game today: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Morning books
Please use your child’s morning book to practice writing their name. If they are confident with this you could possibly see if they can write their name independently or begin to practice writing their surname. You can also use your morning books to write the sounds that we have learnt in Phonics. Can your child write a word, simple sentence or caption themselves using the sounds and tricky words they have already learnt?
Please start by counting to 20 and back. You may wish to join in with counting songs like count to 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VLxWIHRD4E
Count back from 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShqXL-zfLxY
Can the children order the numberblocks or lego blocks to 13? Which is taller? Shorter? Why?
Do I know how to count in groups of ten, in order to find the total?
Please watch the Oak Academy Grouping and Sharing Lesson 4. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/exploring-grouping-objects-in-tens-to-find-the-total-cmtk8e
Topic – It’s a Wonderful World
Food across the globe
In today’s lesson we will be exploring different foods from around the world. By the end of the lesson you will have a better understanding of the foods from different countries and follow a recipe to create a new dish. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/food-across-the-globe-c4v3gt Or you may wish to follow a recipe of your own to make a dish from somewhere else in the world.
As we can’t make food at school at the moment due to the Covid restrictions we are going to complete a music lesson so I have included the link in case you wish to join in with it at home.
Let's go shopping (Part 1)
In today's music time, we will be imagining a trip to the market. We will use counting rhymes to work on rhythm and beat, and use fruit names to make up some funky rhythms.
English – Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Do I know how to write a sentence? (to describe a setting in the story).
In this lesson children will write sentences describing each of the settings in the story.
I hope you enjoy your home learning today and look forward to seeing what you have done on Tapestry later.
PE – Don’t forget the 500 mile challenge. For PE today can you get outside and go on your bike or scooter and add some miles to the class total?
Here is Mr Motivator to get you ready to go if you would like an indoor workout.
Mr Motivator's Daily Dozen Workout | Monday Jan 04, 2021 - YouTube
Mrs Moxham
Remote Learning Policy
Letters and Sounds letter with link to lessons on YouTube
Links for keeping active at home ideas.
Then just click on Active families at the top.
Live Broadcast from Inspire+ |
Our big new service is starting from Monday 11th January we will be going LIVE! Broadcasting 2 sessions per day across our website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram at 1pm and 4pm. These sessions range from looking after your wellbeing with Sam & Sophie to physically activity sessions with the rest of our team. Some are aimed at whole school, some with a KS1 focus and some with a KS2 focus. |
Attachments |