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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

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Spring Term 1 Homework Grid

Science - Electricity

DT - Torches

Geography - Comparing Places

Design a poster about safety when using electricity. Explain about how to be safe when using electricity and how to be safe when using different appliances.

In DT, we are going to be designing and making an electrical torch (electrical systems).

Research and design a different electrical system.  

In Geography, we are learning how places compare from Spain to England.

Create a leaflet about comparing a place in Spain to a place in England.

RE - Islam

Maths - Problem Solving

Over to You!

We are learning about the beliefs and customs within Islam. Create a model or information booklet about Islam.

Maybe you could create a model of ‘The Five Pillars’.

Practise your times tables and have a go at writing some Maths word problems.  These could involve addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

What do you like doing? Share with us something that you enjoy doing- write a story, create a leaflet, or share pictures and some writing about it.

Spring Term 2 Homework Grid

Science - Sound



Ancient Egyptians

Investigate sounds in your home and create a poster or written report on how those sounds enter your ear. How can we hear the sounds? The whirring from the washing machine to the sound from the TV. How do we hear them?

We are writing diaries in English. Have a go at keeping a diary this term. Retelling events that have happened. Maybe you could find diaries to read for your reading time

In History, we are learning about the Ancient Egyptians. Create a written leaflet/ model about what life was like in Ancient Egyptian times.

Maybe you could have a go at making a model of clothes for a doll.


Maths - Times Tables

Over to You!

Our value this term is ‘compassion’.

Produce a written piece (a poem maybe) or drawing showing how you have shown compassion towards others or what compassion means to you.

Practise your times tables. There are many ways to do your times table practice – create a poster for the times table, write a song, make a quiz etc… Have a go and share them with us.

What do you like doing? Share with us something that you enjoy doing- write a story, create a leaflet, or share pictures and some writing about it.

Summer Term 1 Homework Grid





The World

We are going to design and make our own pavilion. Could you research and maybe try to find pictures of any pavilions local to us. Bring in some pictures of different pavilions.


We are writing biographies in English. Have a go at writing an auto-biography about your life. Retelling events that have happened. You could also do some research about someone you find interesting for our biographies. 

In Geography, we are learning about how our world is divided. Could you make a model of the world and show the equator, hemispheres, and any other ways it is divided.



Times Tables

Over to You!

Our value this term is ‘respect’.

Produce a written piece (a poem maybe) or drawing showing how you have shown respect towards others or what respect means to you. 

Practise your times tables. There are many ways to do your times table practice – test your family with times tables too.  Have a go and share them with us.

What do you like doing? Share with us something that you enjoy doing- write a story, create a leaflet, or share pictures and some writing about it.

Summer Term 2 Homework Grid


Self Portraits



Ancient Mayans

We are developing our drawing skills this term and focusing on portraits. Have a go at drawing portraits- you could do one of yourself or one of your family- with their permission of course.  

We are writing poems in English. Have a go at writing some different poems about different things. You can choose what you want to write about. Maybe try writing different types of poems.

In History, we are learning about the Ancient Mayans. They are quite famous for chocolate. Could you research the history of chocolate and how it links to Ancient Mayans. Maybe you could create something out of chocolate linking to the Ancient Mayans.





Our value this term is ‘creativity’.

Produce a written piece (a poem maybe) or drawing showing how you are creative. Maybe research how other people are creative.

We are learning about shapes and angles. Could you create a picture using different shapes and then identify the properties of the shapes. Try to use different shapes within your pictures.

Autumn Term 1 Homework Grid

Anglo-SaxonsDigestive SystemJourneys

In History, we are learning about the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons and Scots.

Make a model linked with Anglo-Saxon, this could be a helmet, brooch, or some runes.


Enjoy the crafts!

In Science, we are learning about the digestive system.

Write about or create a poster of the digestive system. How do we digest food? What happens to the food we eat?

In English, we are using the book ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker as a stimulus for some creative writing.

Write your own recount of a journey you have been on. Include the things you did, ate and the things you saw.

Being HealthyOnline SafetyIt's Up to You!

Could you design a well-balanced healthy meal?

Create a menu with the meals you have designed. You may even try to cook some of them and share it with us in the classroom. 

We are always learning about the importance of staying safe online.

Design and create a poster about how to stay safe online. Think about different apps you can go on and how to be safe using them too.

Enjoy doing something that you love and evidence it in you project journal.

This may be a picture of you doing it i.e. sport, art, cooking or a written piece telling us all about it.


Autumn Term 2 Homework Grid

Make a weather report for any country in the world.

Design a poster to explain the different states of matter.

Make some Diwali inspired sweet treats.

Make a times table inspired game.

Design a robot out of recycled materials. Write a story about your Robot.

Tell us about your favourite out of school activity.