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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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Summer Term

Summer Timetable

Summer Term Newsletter

Art - sculptures using junk modelling

P.E. and Scrum Kids

Koalas had a fantastic time learning new skills and playing new games in the Scrum Kids session.  In P.E., they have started to learn striking and fielding skills as well as playing target games.

Celebrating Platinum Jubilee with a Street Party and Red, White & Blue Non-Uniform. Great Fun!

Science - Plants

Koalas have been investigating plants by separating them into their main parts and using magnifying glasses to get a closer look.  They have also been describing and comparing different fruits and vegetables that they can choose to put into their smoothies next week. 


Start to the Summer Term

Koalas have had a great start to the summer term with lots of outdoor activities.  Koalas all really enjoyed their cricket session in the first week.  They all had a go at bowling towards the stumps and then played a big game of Caterpillar Cricket.

We investigated the trees on the field for science as the children are learning how to identify different types of trees.

The children have also been bringing in some amazing homework projects.   We’ve had fabulous stories, flower tally charts, target games and fairy gardens!  


