Most music lessons across KS1 and KS2 are taught following Kapow or Sing Up, with EYFS using these resources when it is applicable. Both primary music schemes take a holistic approach to music, in which the individual strands are woven together to create engaging and enriching learning experiences. Each unit has been carefully chosen for each year group to teach pupils the knowledge and vocabulary required to progress in:
- Singing
- Listening
- Composing (In KS2 - Composing and Improvising)
- KS1 Musicianship (Pulse/Beat; Rhythm and Pitch)
- KS2 Performing (Instrumental and Reading Notation)
In each lesson, pupils will actively participate in musical activities drawn from a diverse range of styles and traditions and, where possible, these are linked to other areas of the curriculum to provide context.
We have strong links with Lincolnshire Music Service, and they provide 12 weeks of whole class instrumental lessons in Year 4, with opportunities for the pupils to showcase what they have learned through performances.
All children in school have the opportunity to learn how to play a musical instrument outside of lessons; this includes: clarinet, flute, trumpet, cornet, saxophone, guitar and piano. Extra-curricular choir sessions take place which are open to pupils across KS1 and KS2. There are many occasions organised for pupils to perform as a choir such as Belvoir Castle, our local church and 'Young Voices' - the largest children's choir concert in the world. We have a visiting music teacher who leads our weekly choral worship which enables every child in school a time to sing in addition to their class music lesson. Daily collective worship provides pupils with further opportunities to listen, enjoy and develop their appreciation of different musical styles.