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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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Spring Term

Science Week - Egg Drop Challenge

We had such fun during Science week, thinking of ways we could protect our raw eggs from cracking or breaking from a high fall.

In Car Safety Workshop

On Thursday 17th March 2022, Penguin class had a visitor from the local council to give us a lesson on road safety. The children were engrossed in the story told by our visitor and were eager to answer his questions. We learnt about correct use of seatbelts and car seats.

Science - creating experimental sounds

PSHE - Discussing peer pressure

R.E. - Learning about the creation story and comprehending Bible verses.

Art - Creating lenticular pictures and optical illusions.

World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March 2022

Design and Technology - Torch Design. Penguins creating a torch design, building on their understanding from and incorporating features they have identified in previous DT and Science lessons.

Science - Sound

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Science - Sound Vibrations

PSHE - Sharing our ideas about caged and free range hens, and what this means for the consumer and the farmer.

Music - Persevering with learning to play our brass Instruments

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Science - Exploring and Building Electrical Circuits. Testing Different Materials to see if they are Electrical Conductors or Insulators

Music - Playing our Trumpets and Trombones

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Science - Experiment with balloons based on our learning about electricity and static electricity

Brass Instrument Lessons

Spring Term Newsletter - Penguins' Class
