Spring Term
Spring Term Newsletter
Science Week
Pandas loved science week and explored how yeast makes bread rise then had fun painting our bread with food colouring to make rainbow bread. We have also learnt how to use a knife and fork to cut food ourselves!
Pandas also designed and made their own paper aeroplanes and investigated whether they travelled further when we added weight to the front. Then they had a class competition to see which plane travelled the furthest and used all our maths measurement vocabulary to discuss what they saw.
Pandas have had a blast in the first week of Spring Term 2, learning all about space. We have had so much fun creating rockets and going on space adventures using cardboard boxes and have been exploring ways to make different objects travel in water.
Science - Animals
Pandas have had such a fun learning all about animals that live in hot and cold places, life cycles of frogs and butterflies and we had the best afternoon with ZooLab.
The children were so brave holding some of the animals and had some interesting questions to ask the ranger.
EYFS Phonics Open Morning
A huge thank you to those families who attended our phonics open morning. The children loved showing off their phonics skills and it was lovely to see everyone so engaged and having fun. We were all really proud of the Pandas. We will definitely organise another phonics open morning in the coming terms!

Passport to the World Week
We loved learning all about the Arctic and Antarctic as part of our whole school passport to the world week. We discovered which animals live in the Arctic and Antarctic, found out that the Antarctic is made of ice and humans don't live there and had lots of fun sharing stories together.