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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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Useful Information

SummerTerm 2022


EYFS Staff Team from January 2022:

Mrs S Haigh (Class Teacher)

Mrs Matthews (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Eyles (Teaching Assistant)

Miss H Jackson (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Burton (HLTA - PPA Cover)


If you have any questions or concerns then please feel free to speak to a member of the EYFS staff, we are always available to talk and have an open door policy. 

Autumn 2


Welcome back to all our children and families, we hope you have had a wonderful half term and children are refreshed and ready for return for the second half of Autumn term.


As before half term and now that it is definitely getting colder and the weather becomes more unpredictable please can parents ensure children have suitable clothing for outdoor learning including a warm, waterproof coat and wellies. 


Children will still be expected to attend school in their P.E kits and P.E day remains on a Friday.

Autumn 1

Please click below to find information for parents about the Reception Baseline Assessment.

Welcome to Panda's Class


A big welcome to all our new families joining Panda's class, it has been lovely to meet lots of you on our transition afternoon's before the summer holidays. I hope the children are all excited about starting their school journey at St Sebastian's. 



Some useful information for September.


School Gates will be open from 8:40am. Children will be able to filter inside from 8:45am from the front of school through the side gate. You are welcome to come in and settle your child on the first day if they need it but please try and leave by 9am so we can begin registration and start the normal school day routines. 


At the end of the day, at 3:30pm  parents will pick children up from the side gate at the front of school, please be aware a member of the EYFS staff will need to have seen you, and made eye contact before your child is released. Please ensure you encourage your child to wait in the line at the end of the day before they are dismissed. 


As we go into Autumn please can parents ensure children have suitable clothing for outdoor learning including a warm, waterproof coat and wellies. 

P.E day is Friday.


If you have any questions or concerns then please feel free to speak to a member of the EYFS staff, we are always available to talk and have an open door policy. 



EYFS Staff Team from September 2021:

Miss Cant (Class Teacher)

Miss Lugar (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Searle (Teaching Assistant - Mornings)

Mrs Burton (HLTA - PPA Cover)
