- Consistently following the Maths No Problem approach based on a problem solving through mastery. Maths No Problem uses a mastery teaching approach from Singapore.
- Daily Maths Fluency (15 minutes) Tailored questions to revisit topics, address weaknesses and practise arithmetic.
- Maths No Problem! Lesson (60 Minutes) Approximately four 15 minute sessions split into; in focus task, let’s learn, guided practise and independent work.
- Additional challenge is provided in the form of ‘Deeper ‘Learning Challenges’
- Support provided by resources that are openly available for all children to access and exploit.
- Children use Maths Journals to record their thought processes, experimentations, ideas and deeper learning challenges.
- Children to self-assess/mark their own work.
- Opportunity given to revisit challenging/incorrectly answered questions and use purple pen to correct.
- Elaborative questioning to challenge pupils to apply their learning in a range of ways.
- Specialist vocabulary for topics taught and built up.
- Opportunities for pre teaching and interventions for those children who may require it, including those with SEN, throughout a topic or prior to a new topic being taught