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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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All lessons build on prior learning and teachers support children to learn and remember more through:

  • The Latin we teach is carefully planned and tailored to build on pupils’ ability and prior knowledge
  • Use of progression framework to form the key knowledge documents across the school
  • Use and adaptation of Minimus Latin, a Latin course for children, based on the lives of a real family at the Roman fort of Vindolanda.
  • Support from "Classics for All" and "The Primary Latin Project".
  • A focus on key knowledge that children develop and progress with as they move through Key Stage 2
  • A cycle of lessons for each topic, which carefully plan for progression and depth
  • Elaborative questioning to challenge pupils to apply their learning in a range of ways
  • Focus on vocabulary, grammar and phonics that will allow pupils to manipulate the language for themselves.
  • Opportunities for curriculum adaptation and challenge, pre teaching and interventions for those children who may require it, including those with SEN, throughout a topic or prior to a new topic being taught.
  • Error correction is explicit where the focus is on accuracy: pupils are prompted that there has been an error and their own correction is elicited.
  • School leaders are committed to ensuring that language teachers have both a strong understanding of curriculum progression in languages and strong subject knowledge.