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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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Spring Term

Spring Term Newsletter

Science Week

Penguins were excited to explore some scientific experiments during science week.

They used  different materials to compare fingerprints and even measured the effectiveness of different yeast based chemical reactions! The children have had a lot of fun with some excellent scientific skills being learnt along the way.  

There are some budding scientists within Penguins classroom!

Science - Electricity

Penguins have been exploring our Science topic of electricity.  They have been constructing electrical circuits and applying their electrical knowledge to test conductors and insulators.


Passport to the World

In the first few weeks of the Spring term, we have been travelling the world and exploring Spain and Sicily via our Geography, English and 'Passport to the World' lessons.

This has enabled us to experience a variety of cultures, foods and geographical features.

The children particularly enjoyed the Spanish food taster session and having a go at Picasso inspired portraits.

