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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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Shine Assembly

2024-2025 Shine Assembly

Spring Term 1

Shine Assembly - Friday, 31st January 2025

Class Special Mentions for Shine Assembly held this week in Church were as follows:


Class Special Mentions

PandasHenry for everyone noticing his fantastic attitude towards learning.
KoalasSullivan for being a super amazing this week.
Polar BearsMax for being kind to others.


Dolly for trying hard to stay focused in lessons by listening more carefully and taking pride in her work.
PenguinsChloe for amazing homework, being kind and helpful.
ElephantsPhoebe for being kind to everyone and always trying her best.
GiraffesMarkas for being helpful when creating cards, always trying his best and being amazing in Maths.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Pandas - Bonnie, Bernie & Reuben

Koalas - Freya, Oakley, Stanley & Sullivan


Shine Assembly - Friday, 10th January 2025

Stars of the Week for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Stars of the Week

PandasShreya for returning to school with a fantastic attitude towards learning.
Koalas Zach for always making a big extra effort in and out of lessons.
Polar BearsElla for working really hard on her letter formation.


Caleb for trying really hard to improve his presentation.
PenguinsOliver for a fantastic attitude to learning and super understanding in Maths.
ElephantsMariia for working incredibly hard and always showing a curious mind during Local History week.
GiraffesRuby for working hard to be successful, concentrating during Maths.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Koalas - Theon

Autumn Term 2

Shine Assembly - Friday, 13th December 2024

Class Special Mentions for Shine Assembly held this week in Church were as follows:


Class Special Mentions

PandasMaisie for always trying her best and some beautiful singing in the Nativity.
KoalasOakley for working super hard, being helpful, trying his best and for for his role in the Nativity.
Polar BearsAntonella for taking on someone else's role as well as her own in the Nativity and knowing all the words for both parts.


Reuben for working hard on presentation, reading lots at home and wanting to do his best.
PenguinsSophie for helping everyone, being very kind and being just amazing.
ElephantsColby for helping others, persevering with his work and showing compassion,
GiraffesMatilda for helping others with their learning and being inclusive.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Koalas - Tommy, Sasha, Stanley and Zach


Shine Assembly - Friday, 6th December 2024

Stars of the Week for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Stars of the Week

PandasWilliam for working hard all the time and being a fabulous role model.
Koalas Braison for working very hard during English and persevering when difficulties arise.
Polar BearsHarry M for persevering with his writing and producing a lovely letter.


Arthur for making brilliant progress in his reading, motivated and enthusiastic to improve.
PenguinsOliver for showing brilliant understanding of brackets and noun phrases in English.
ElephantsOllie for pushing himself to exceed previous standards and setting an excellent example.
GiraffesVerity for always being focused on progress & learning and putting maximum effort in.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Polar Bears - Elbie

Penguins - Eme and Freya

50 PointsPolar Bears - Kenny


Shine Assembly - Friday, 29th November 2024

Class Special Mentions for Shine Assembly held this week in Church were as follows:


Class Special Mentions

PandasLayla for her effort and enthusiasm towards learning.
KoalasJorja for being brave and super helpful.
Polar BearsHarlie-Rae for being a good friend, working hard and coming into school with a smile on her face.


Albie for trying really hard to improve his learning and growing in confidence.
PenguinsKai for showing great effort in his work and being a great role model on the playground.
ElephantsAngel for showing signs of progress and perseverance with Maths and English.
GiraffesMarkas for using his initiative and helping lots of other people in Maths.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Polar Bears - Daisy and Harry M

Penguins - Arabella, Harrison and Sophie

50 PointsElephants - Jenson-Bear

Shine Assembly - Friday, 22nd November 2024

Stars of the Week for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Stars of the Week

PandasFreddie for his effort and perseverance in every thing he does.
Koalas Ronnie for working hard and always makes a big effort.
Polar BearsAlice for settling into our school, making friends and working hard.


Hattie-Rey for working so hard in all lessons, presenting work beautifully and growing in confidence.
PenguinsHarrison for a fantastic working attitude and taking time in his presentation.
ElephantsMatilda B for being incredibly focused and always being a role model.
GiraffesOliver B for focusing on his learning and trying his best to improve in all areas.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Koalas - Bodhi, Ronnie and Sasha

Polar Bears - George and Griff

Penguins - Chloe, Kai and Oregon

Elephants - Mitchell

Shine Assembly - Friday, 18th November 2024

Class Special Mention for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Class Special Mentions

PandasReuben for being kind and helpful to everyone.
KoalasHenry for being a kind friend and making us smile.
Polar BearsHarry S for completing all his work and trying really hard with his kindness.


Millie for her awesome art work, fabulous presentation and making amazing progress in Maths.
PenguinsChloe for impressive homework and working well in Maths.
ElephantsPoppy for being kind, incredibly hardworking and a superb role model.
GiraffesKayleigh for making good progress and remembering her learning.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Pandas - Charlotte, Esmae, Evelyn, Maisie, Max, Paisley and William

Polar Bears - Antonella and Harry S

Elephants - Ivy, Jenson and Matilda B


Shine Assembly - Friday, 8th November 2024

Stars of the Week for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Stars of the Week

PandasCece for showing such a fantastic attitude towards learning in everything she does.
KoalasElias for believing in himself and aspiring for excellence everyday.
Polar BearsMillie for working really hard this week and completing all her work.


Amelie for persevering in Maths, fabulous knowledge of the Stone Age, putting her hand up and growing in confidence.
PenguinsFreddie for showing great progress in his writing.
ElephantsIvy for persevering with her reading and successfully quizzing in Accelerated Reader regularly.
GiraffesIsla W for really improving her presentation, focusing on improvements and working hard. 

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Polar Bears - Ryan and Samuel

Autumn Term 1

Shine Assembly - Friday, 18th October 2024

Class Special Mention for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Class Special Mentions

PandasCharlotte for being such a kind helpful Panda.
KoalasSasha for being a kind and caring friend.
Polar BearsRyan for doing really well in Maths by getting 100% in the review and being a great friend.


Alannah for always trying their best, a hard worker, helpful and being a nice friend.
PenguinsEme for helping others in the classroom and persevering with her work.
ElephantsAlex TK for working incredibly hard on his independent writing and improving his focus.

Aadya for being a fantastic role model when working with younger children. Mason for being a superstar bookshelf organiser. Oliver B for working hard on his independent writing.  Tommi for being a great role model.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Polar Bears - Kenny

Penguins - Taylor


A special mention to the year 6 children who have been awesome all week in every classroom.

A special mention to the year 6 children who have been awesome all week in every classroom.

Shine Assembly - Friday, 11th October 2024

Stars of the Week for Shine Assembly held in church this week were as follows:


Stars of the Week

PandasPaisley for a fantastic attitude towards learning and always trying the learning challenges.
KoalasZoe for being super amazing in the classroom and for always working hard and trying her best.
Polar BearsAntonella for being an excellent role model and always working super hard.


Alyssa for being a model student by reading every night, fabulous homework, listens and applies what she has learnt.
PenguinsArabella for persevering in Maths.
ElephantsMatilda B for always setting an excellent example, working hard, contributing to lessons, ready to learn and not fussing.
GiraffesIsla B for wonderful writing and reading out to the class with super expression.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Penguins - Taylor


Shine Assembly - Friday, 4th October 2024

Class Special Mention for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Class Special Mentions

PandasEsmae for being a kind friend to everyone and an extremely helpful Panda especially at tidy up time.
KoalasNancy for being a kind, caring friend.
Polar BearsKenny for being a great friend and showing confidence in the poetry slam.


Grace for being kind, a lovely friend and working hard in every lesson.
PenguinsFreya for being kind and concentrating hard in her maths.
ElephantsOliver A for working incredibly hard and behaving impeccably.
GiraffesJake for always working hard, energetic, did great Science work on blood cells and concentrating well during independent writing.

Value Points Awards

25 Points

Elephants - Ivy, Jenson and Matilda B

Giraffes - Effie

Shine Assembly - Friday, 27th September 2024

Stars of the Week for Shine Assembly held in church this week were as follows:


Stars of the Week

PandasMax for a fantastic attitude towards learning and always having a huge beaming smile.
KoalasFreddie for always trying his best and has listened to his teacher's comments.
Polar BearsGruff for beautifully presented writing in his draft instructions with the editing is so neat.


Charlie for trying his best in every lesson, focused, hardworking and beautifully presented work in every lesson.
PenguinsHarry for working hard in each lesson on his beautiful presentation.
ElephantsFinley B for excellent attention to detail with presentation and handwriting.
GiraffesMatilda for consistent and immaculate presentation.

Shine Assembly - Friday, 20th September 2024

Class Special Mention for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Class Special Mentions

KoalasBodhi for being a kind friend.
Polar BearsDaisy for trying hard in all her lessons, persevering and showing courage with a snail!


James for being a kind friend, working hard and trying to improve his presentation.
PenguinsOscar for trying really hard in English, showing friendship and being thankful to our World.
ElephantsCaleb for working incredibly hard and being a kind & thoughtful member of the classroom.
GiraffesAadya for settling in really well, being kind, generous & thoughtful and producing fantastic work that is beautifully presented!


Shine Assembly - Friday, 13th September 2024

Stars of the Week for Shine Assembly this week were as follows:


Stars of the Week

KoalasFreya for being an excellent friend and working super hard in lessons.
Polar BearsSamuel for an amazing art lesson investigating charcoal. Super start to the year - working super hard in all subjects.


Addison for being a superstar! Working hard and trying her best in every lesson. Also, for reading lots at home.
PenguinsKai for working hard in all lessons, contributing lots and being a kind friend.
ElephantsJaxon for being kind and always trying his best in lessons.
GiraffesOliver J for being a great role model and trying his best.
