Summer Term
Design Technology (DT) - Bread
This term our DT topic was Bread! We started off by tasting and evaluating different types of bread, thinking about: taste, texture, appearance and shape.
Then we made bread by carefully measuring out the ingredients and kneading them together to make the bread dough.
We designed our own sandwiches, thinking about healthy and tasty fillings, and finally made them for our picnic.
They were delicious!
Polar Bears' Danceathon

Science Week - Art.
The children were challenged to create 100 different colours, thinking about how to mix colours to create different tones and shades of the same hue.

Polar Bears' Victorian Day 28th May 2021
Polar Bear Class stepped back in time - to the Victorian era!
They started the day with their nail checked for cleaniness! The old fashioned three R's came back for the day - Writing, Arithmetic and Reading, after which they sang hymns and recited the Lord's Prayer.
At breaktime, they played with Victorian toys followed by each group performing a scene from Oliver Twist.
In the afternoon, they participated within Victorian activities such as Nature painting, making peg dolls, making Thaumatropes (an optical toy popularised in Victorian times) and Victorian colouring.
Well Done, to everyone dressing up and making it a completely fun Victorian day.
Computing - Spreadsheets
We have learnt the following new skills on spreadsheets through Purple Mash:
- What a cell, row and column are
- Add/delete cells to a spreadsheet
- Add colour
- Add text
- Add images
- Delete contents of a cell/row/column
- Calculations: +,-, x, =
- Copy (ctrl + c keys) and paste (ctrl + v keys)
- Locking a cell's contents
- Dragging (moving) a cell's contents
- Count tool - counts how many of a variable there are on the spreadsheet
- Speak tool - speaks the contents of a cell.
We created fun fair parks, showing off our new spreadsheet skills!
Music - Zootime Performance
This term, we have learnt the reggae style song 'Zootime' with Charanga. We performed the song with one half of the class doing the 'signed language' version while the other half played the tune on glockenspiels using notes C and D, then we swapped round.
We enjoyed the 'Big Baboons in Party Hats'!
Ist Group

2nd Group

English - Letters to BBC Newsround
We wrote letters to BBC Newsround today, all about Global Warming and the effect it has on our beautiful world, especially polar bears. We have suggested ways to solve the problem to save the Earth. Fingers crossed we get a reply.

Noah's Global Warming Letter to BBC Newsround.

Markas' Letter to BBC Newsround to Discuss Global Warming.

Science 10th May 2021
Today we had a go at creating our own food chains. We had to work out which was the producer, the consumer and predator. We all did a great job!
Computing - Spreadsheets. The children's key learning to creating a zoo and a magic square in 2Calculate were: fill cells, insert an image, lock a cell, move a cell, copy and paste, use totaling tools.

Science - Living Things and their Habitats. How Can We Work Out What's Alive and What's Not?