Autumn Term
Autumn Term Tiger Class Newsletter
Science - Shadow Puppets
A great end to our science topic on light this term by making shadow puppets and puppet theatres.

Maths - Measuring

Science - Exploring Reflections
Science - Light and Shadows
Tigers had an awesome lesson investigating shadows as part of our science topic on light. We saw how the light source (the sun) created shadows outside. Then used torches to see if we could make shadows inside and how we could make them bigger and smaller.
A brilliant active lesson with lots of learning and lots of fun.
Cave Painting
In art, we used a variety of different textures and colours to create some cave backgrounds. Messy fun and everyone did a brilliant job. Next time, we will be using charcoal to create some of our own cave paintings on top of our creations.
Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week
Tigers, along with the whole school, wore odd socks on Monday, 14th November 2022 to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week.
In art, we are developing our drawing skills and experimenting with charcoal to create some prehistoric art. We really enjoyed this session and the children did some wonderful drawings.
P.E. - What a fab tennis session!
Morning Mood by Edward Grieg
As part of our music sessions ,we’ve been learning about the pentatonic scale and while we listened to this piece of music we drew the images and feelings that came into our minds….. what amazing masterpieces we created. Amazing work Year 3! (We did clean the tables afterwards!!!!!)
History - Stone Age
We had so much fun during our Stone Age workshop. Lydia from Heritage Lincolnshire came in and we had the opportunity to explore lots of different artefacts, search coprolite for clues about the three different periods of the Stone Age and how it would feel to carve tools (these ones were made from soap which made it a little easier!) We really enjoyed it and learned lots.