Autumn Term 1 Homework Grid
Paint a space inspired picture | Film a short story using toys or puppets from home | Create your own Hindu rangoli pattern |
Create your own game of top trumps | Make pizza! | Mr Epton’s Challenge – Build a wind powered vehicle |
Autumn Term 2 Homework Grid
Melt something, boil something, freeze something! | Make a Viking helmet | Draw and object in your house |
Create your own Halloween characters | Build a den or pillow fort | Mr Epton’s Challenge Bake a Halloween or Christmas inspired cake |
Spring Term 1 Homework Grid
Create a papier mâché Easter egg. | Cook a Brazilian meal. | Make some art using sticks. |
Go for a walk with an adult and list the wildlife you find. | Make a sock bunny. | Mr Epton’s Challenge Write a poem about the Jungle. |
Spring Term 2 Homework Grid
Build the Greek Parthenon using recycled materials. | Create a vehicle that is powered by some force (push/pull). | Paint your favourite animal. |
Make an Easter themed word search. | Try or cook some Greek food. | Mr Epton’s Challenge Using dye, make some different coloured flowers. |
Summer Term 1 Homework Grid
Build a sandcastle | Plant some vegetables | Paint a summer inspired picture |
Make some pasta art | Try or cook a dish using seasonal ingredients | Weigh some different household items by using 3 different units measurement |
Summer Term 2 Homework Grid
Make the longest daisy chain you can. | Write an acrostic poem. | Build a castle from Lego, cardboard or other materials. |
Conduct an animal or insect survey of your garden or park. | Make some homemade ice lollies. | Design an advert for an ice cream idea you have created. |