Spring Term
Spring Term 2 - 3,2,1 Blast Off
Homework projects

The children really enjoyed having their parents and grandparents in to help them make a rocket. After working together to build a rocket, they then had a competition to see whose rocket would go the furthest.

Science Week
The Egg Drop - We watched a story about an egg who tried to fly, then we thought of ways to help the egg. We then expanded one of the ideas and found ways to protect our eggs. After a few casualties, we managed to protect all our eggs eggs. then took it in turns to drop our eggs off the climbing wall to see if they survived! The children did an amazing job, as only 3 out of the 10 eggs didn't survive.

Growing- We looked at and compared our beanstalks, then we measured them to see how much they had grown.

Bubbling planet

Great Wood Farm Centre - What a very busy day we had! We explored the outdoor environment, whittled sticks using knives, had lunch cooked on the fire, went on a tractor ride, looked for signs of spring, visited the sheep and their lambs, made pictures using wool and straw, heard all about what happens on the farm and fed the lambs

The children in Pandas said that they would like to do some activities about aliens, so we have been enjoying the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ by Claire Freedman. We have also been doing some alien maths and building rockets.

On Tuesday 1st March, we learnt about Shrove Tuesday and had some pancake races. The children were amazing at tossing their pancakes up into the air!

In maths, we measured how far we could make the rocket go.

We have also made some books about space.

The Pandas have been exploring how craters are made in the moon.

In art, we have been looking at artwork by Wassily Kandinsky. We have turned our lovely squares and circle art into rockets for our display

In PE, we have been doing some dances. Our favourite one so far is the firework dance.

Spring Term 1- Once Upon a Time
Chinese New Year Celebrations
As part of our Chinese New Year celebrations, Pandas worked in groups to make a dragon and performed a fantastic dragon dance to music provided by another group.
Well Done Pandas!
Chinese Dragon Dance 1

Chinese Dragon Dance 2

They were also really good at eating some Chinese food using chopsticks.

Homework Projects