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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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How will this be measured?

Pupil Voice will show:

  • A developed understanding of the methods and knowledge of mathematicians at an age appropriate level.
  • A secure understanding of the key techniques and methods for each key area of the curriculum.
  • The confidence in children’s differing approaches to similar problems.
  • A progression of understanding, with appropriate vocabulary which supports and extends understanding.
  • Confidence in discussing mathematics, their own work and identifying their own strengths and areas for development.
  • A clear understanding of different representations children are exposed to in Maths (bar model, part-whole model etc.).


Displays around school and books will show:

  • An engaging Maths curriculum which develops a range of mathematical knowledge.
  • Clear progression of Maths knowledge in line with expectations set out in the progression grids.
  • That pupils, over time, develop a range of knowledge and techniques across all of the areas of the mathematics curriculum.
  • A variety of representations for a range of questions.
  • Fluency, reasoning and problem-solving style questions.
  • Regular self assessment and independent practice.
  • Children led daily learning recaps displayed to help children know and remember previous learning.


The subject leader will:

  • Collate appropriate evidence over time which evidences that pupils know more and remember more.
  • Monitor the standards in the subject to ensure the outcomes are at expected levels.
  • Provide ongoing CPD support based on the outcomes of subject monitoring to ensure that the impact of the Maths curriculum is wide reaching and positive.
  • Inform all staff of any new/ upcoming information that could influence their teaching.
  • Regularly reflect on resources used to ensure they are of the highest quality. 
  • Monitor and evaluate on going summative assessment including NFER and termly arithmetic assessments.