Remote Learning
Monday 23rd January 2023 - School Closed
Good morning Polar Bears,
I am looking forward to seeing you back at school tomorrow.
At school, we have been working hard to improve our writing. Whilst you are at home, follow the links below which will help you to learn more about spellings, punctuation and grammar in Year 2.
I have also added a link below to BBC Bitesize about our science this term - Animals including humans. I wonder if any of you can tell me a new fact you have learnt when you come back to school tomorrow?
You will also be able to access your science, geography and RE knowledge organisers on our class page so perhaps you could see how much new vocabulary you can remember on the knowledge organiser quiz.
As well as these activities, don't forget you can practise your Year 2 spellings, Times Table Rockstars or maybe do a piece of homework from this term's grid.
See you tomorrow (fingers crossed)
Mrs Liversidge