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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

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Autumn Term 1 Homework Grid

Autumn Term 2 Homework Grid

Here are the homework activities your child can choose from this term. Last term’s homework was fantastic so I am looking forward to seeing your creations this term. Please remember that it is also beneficial for all children in Year 2 to continue to read aloud as often as possible as it helps to improve their fluency and comprehension skills. The spelling lists for Year 1 and 2 were sent home at the end of last term and can also be found on the school website. In addition, any time practising number bonds to 10, within 10 and adding and subtracting 1-digit numbers mentally really will help your child’s mathematical fluency. This doesn’t have to be written, it could be a couple of verbal questions in the car or on the way to school.

Thank you all for your support with homework.

Please encourage your child to complete one homework project every 2 weeks.  You can choose to complete the tasks in any order or adapt one.

Find out about the different ways that we keep our homes safe from fire today. Your child could produce a safety poster.

Create a new exercise to share with your friends or create a new game to play. If you’d like to video a 5-minute PE/fitness activity and send it in, then we will give it a try in school.

Encourage your child to draw or paint a picture of the Great Fire of London or to make a collage to depict the Great Fire of London

You will need a 30 centimetres ruler.

  1. Find 6 objects in your house that you can measure with a ruler.

  2. Estimate the length of each object before measuring them.

  3. Can you record the name of the object, your estimate and the actual measurement of your 6 objects in a table? 

Can you create a healthy meal?

  • You could draw or write about your healthy meal.
  • You might make your healthy meal for your family and take a photo.
  • You could design a menu which includes healthy meals.

Write a Christmas acrostic poem with your child or create some Christmas craft.


Spring Term 1 Homework Grid

Here are the homework activities your child can choose from this term. Last term’s homework was fantastic so I am looking forward to seeing your creations this term. Please remember that it is also beneficial for all children in Year 2 to continue to read aloud as often as possible as it helps to improve their fluency and comprehension skills. 

Thank you all for your support with homework.

Please encourage your child to complete one homework project every 2 weeks.  You can choose to complete the tasks in any order or adapt one.

Spring Term 2 Homework Grid

Here are the homework activities your child can choose from this term.

Please remember that it is also beneficial for all children in Year 2 to continue to read aloud as often as possible as it helps to improve their fluency and comprehension skills. 

Thank you all for your support with homework.

Please encourage your child to complete one homework project every 2 weeks. 

You can choose to complete the tasks in any order or adapt one.

Homework Grid Summer Term 1

Here are the homework activities your child can choose from this term. I am looking forward to seeing your creations this term.
They need to hand in one piece of homework every 2 weeks.

Thank you all for your support with homework.
