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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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Summer Term


In maths, we have been learning about angles so we went onto the playground and made angles with our bodies - acute, right angle and obtuse.

Then we came back inside and wrote all over the tables!!! We drew lines and then marked on the angles we’d created. (We only used whiteboard pens so the tables came clean!!)

We had lots of fun.

Inspire+ Mini Olympics 21

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Penguin Class were dressed in red, white or blue to represent the country of France. The children took part in virtual challenges throughout the day and sampled French food.

Mini Olympic Challenge

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Mini Olympic Challenge

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Penguins participated in the Inspire+ Mini Olympics 21

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Maths No Problem - Place Value of Decimal Numbers

English - Poems 'Buttons'

 We worked on our performances of the poem 'Buttons', concentrating on our expression, intonation and fluency. We hope you enjoy them.

Buttons by Jett and Zain

Buttons by David, Isobel and Mary

Buttons by Amelia and Jasmine

Buttons by Lexi and Amber

Buttons by Matiss and Annie

Buttons by Alise and Olivia

Buttons by Harley and Connor

Buttons by Eloise, Mia and Ciara

Buttons by Scarlet and Summer

Buttons by Lucas and AJ


We were looking at classification keys and managed to sort the whole class by asking questions such as:

Are they wearing a skirt?

Do they have Velcro shoes?

Are they wearing a PE t-shirt?

Are they wearing glasses?

Classification of the Year 4s

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