Attendance, Punctuality and Absence
Our school attendance target is 96.5%.
Following the pandemic, we continue to make a pathway back to normal, it is essential that we build back up to our previous positive attendance rates.
Last academic year, our attendance was 93.9% for the whole school. We are working hard to improve this for 2023-24
Acceptable reasons for absence
Please note ‘sick’ cannot be accepted as a reason and more details will be required. | Exceptional or special leave Children may have one day’s absence for an approved religious observance. In other emergency, exceptional or special circumstances parents or carers must also make a request to the Executive Headteacher for short periods of leave. Leave will only be authorised at the Executive Headteacher's discretion. In making the decision, the Executive Headteacher will consider:
Documents are essential to support the application. |
Permission for absence for a holiday cannot be given under any circumstances.
Holidays in term time cannot be authorised and may be subject to a fixed penalty notice. This could result in a fine of £60 per child absent AND per parent.