Expectations for the School Year
A few reminders about changes and expectations for the year:
A reminder that children should wear full normal school uniform comprising blue polo shirts, jumpers and grey trousers/skirts/shorts or a blue gingham school dress with school socks and shoes. They do not need to have branded items – they can have plain blue jumpers or cardigans which are entirely acceptable.
They need to bring a full PE kit to change into on the appropriate days – black shorts/jogging bottoms, plain blue t-shirts, a plain jumper/tracksuit top and trainers/plimsolls. Provision will be made for the older children to change in separate areas in the school for PE lessons and clubs after school. They will be expected to change back after PE lessons and after clubs before leaving school. PE kits can remain in school.
Water Bottles
Children need to bring a water bottle into school everyday. This can contain plain water or weak squash. They are not to bring fizzy drinks, sports drinks or energy drinks of any kind. Last year, a number of older children were stopping at the shop on the way to school to buy drinks of this kind – perhaps without parents knowing. Any fizzy, sports or energy drinks will be removed from children and handed back at the end of the day. Please can children not bring ‘Prime’ bottles, even if these contain water or squash so that we don’t need to check contents.
School Trips
One of the areas school staff have been working on during the two training days is the planning of school trips. We are aware that often these all seem to come at the end of the summer term making it a very expensive time for families. We have tried hard to spread these out during the coming year while ensuring that they are still related to learning outcomes in the classes. We do understand how difficult it can be to afford these little extras during times when money is tight. However, school budgets are similarly challenged and last year we were on the verge of cancelling several trips as we had not had the funds from parents to cover the costs. We are not able – and nor would be want to – bar children from attending the trip due to parents not being able to pay for it, however, if we are not able to cover the costs, we will be forced to cancel the trip for everyone. The letter regarding trips is always worded as ‘a voluntary contribution’, we would appreciate it hugely if parents could make at least part payment towards the costs.
Many thanks for your co-operation and continued support.