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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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Science Day Tuesday 12th March 2024

On Tuesday, 12th March the whole school took part in National Science Week. It started with the whole school coming together in an engaging assembly introducing this year’s theme of ‘Time’. Each class moved around the school learning about endangered species, moth adaptations, dinosaur bones, and fossils then made water clocks and swinging pendulums. They even designed a modern farm of the future. The exciting activities that their teachers planned, helped the children to discover and use many scientific skills such as: asking questions, predicting and evaluating. They demonstrated excellent observations and use of equipment and began to understand how research and fair testing can aid their understanding of the world. The children behaved impeccably moving round the school between classrooms and their scientific chatter showed us just how much they enjoyed the day.
