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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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Early Learning Goals

Panda Class Termly Newsletters

Spring Term 1 Newsletter

Autumn Term 1 Newsletter 1

Autumn 1 2020


Welcome to St. Sebastian’s Church of England School! We are so excited to welcome all our new children into school and to work with them this year. 


Transition Arrangement Reminders:


Transition sessions on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th September.


  • 7th September 2020- First day of school 8.45am-12pm, please collect from the school office at 12pm.
  •  8th September 2020- Second day of school 8.45am-1.00 pm, child stay for lunch, please collect from the school office at 1.00pm.
  • 9th September 2020- Full days from now on 8.45am- 3.20 pm, please collect from the playground at 3.20pm. Please wait for the adults to send them to you.

Our first topic will be all about getting to know the children, our Class and Nursery Rhymes.


EYFS Staff: From September 2020 Miss MacDonald (Class teacher), Mrs Burton (HLTA Every morning and Monday and Tuesday afternoons), Miss Lugar (Teaching Assistant afternoons), Miss Addlesee (SCITT teacher).  From January 2021 Mrs Moxham (Class teacher and Deputy Head).
