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St Sebastian's CofE Primary School

Together in Faith, We Aspire to Achieve Excellence

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All lessons build on prior learning and teachers support children to learn and remember more through:

  • For three terms each year, children received a subject discreet lesson following the long term plan and knowledge progression ensure depth and progress across the school.
  • The teaching of knowledge that children will develop throughout each art topic
  • The emphasis on knowledge ensuring that children understand the context of the artwork, as well as the artists that they are learning about and being inspired by.
  • Opportunities to enable links to other curriculum areas.
  • Opportunities to express their creative imagination, as well as practice and develop mastery in the key processes of art: drawing, painting, printing, textiles and sculpture.
  • The availability of a wide range of resources, which are used to support children’s confidence in the use of different media.
  • Studying a diverse range of male and female artists.
  • Developing their understanding of the visual language of art with effective teaching and considered sequences of lessons and experiences which carefully plan for progression and depth.
  • Teaching and exploring of the visual elements of art and design e.g. line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape, 3D form and function.
  • Elaborative questioning to challenge pupils to apply their learning in a range of ways.
  • Give them the means and opportunity to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
  • Opportunities for curriculum adaptation and challenge, pre-teaching and interventions for those children who may require it, including those with SEN, throughout a topic or prior to a new topic being taught.